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116 products
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Impactite Fallback Breccia | Steinheim Basin Impact Structure | 66 grams | Slice | Ries, Germany
$36.00 CAD
Unit price perImpactite Fallback Breccia | Steinheim Basin Impact Structure | 66 grams | Slice | Ries, Germany
$36.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is a fantastic Impactite Fallback Breccia from Germany weighing 66 grams and measuring 74x53x9mm. Although not a meteorite, impactites and shatter cones are directly linked to them and their impacts. The Steinheim Basin today exhibits a distinct morphological depression that is ∼110 m deep and ∼3.5 km in diameter; the height of the central uplift totals to more than 140 m. The original size of the pristine crater is estimated to be ∼3.8 km with an original depth of ∼205 m.
As this drainless morphological depression was filled by lake sediments shortly after the impact, the primary crater morphology is widely preserved. The crater rim is formed by steeply inclined and intensely brecciated Upper Jurassic limestone blocks that also contain numerous shattered chert nodules, as well as some loose blocks of the host limestone. An impact breccia, referred to as the so-called ”Primäre Beckenbrekzie” (“primary basin breccia”) and interpreted as a “fallback breccia”, is known from many drillings in the Steinheim Basin.
Mainly composed of Middle to Upper Jurassic limestones, marls, mudstones, and sandstones, the impact breccia inside the morphological depression of the Steinheim Basin is overlain by lake sediments and is obviously preserved in its original thickness and position. This piece displays very well and is a very nice size showing multiple characteristics of its origin. Would make a beautiful addition to any collection.
Peruvian pyrite is famous worldwide for its well-formed, highly lustrous crystals. The country is one of the top sources for high-quality pyrite specimens, particularly from the Huanzala Mine in the Áncash Region and the Quiruvilca Mine in La Libertad. These locations produce stunning pyritohedral crystals, often found in association with quartz, sphalerite, and galena.
The term “pyritohedral” refers to a specific crystal habit that pyrite (and occasionally other minerals) can form. In this structure, the crystal takes on a polyhedral shape with 12 faces. However, unlike a perfectly symmetrical shape with identical pentagonal faces, natural pyritohedral crystals often exhibit slight irregularities or distortions in their faces.
Pyrite is known as a stone of protection, abundance, and confidence. It is believed to shield against negative energy and promote mental clarity and willpower.
This top Peruvian specimen is in very good condition. Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection.
Name: Pyrite Cluster
Specimen Size: Miniature-Sized
Dimensions: 43x31x25 mm / 1.7x1.2x1.0 inches
Weight: 64 Grams / 2.2 oz
Origin: Mined in Quiruvilca Mine, Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad, Peru

Nantan Meteorite | 16.8 grams | Individual Fragment | IAB-MG Iron | Guangxi China
$44.00 CAD
Unit price perNantan Meteorite | 16.8 grams | Individual Fragment | IAB-MG Iron | Guangxi China
$44.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is a superb Nantan meteorite individual specimen, directly from Guangxi, China. Its dimensions are 32x30x11 mm and it weighs 16.8 grams.
The Nantan meteorites are a must for all collectors, more so that it is now very difficult to find worthy specimen. They are a very interesting IAB-MG iron discovered in 1958 and there is an estimated 9.5 T of this material. This is 1 of 88 approved meteorites classified as Iron, IAB-MG.
Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.

Henbury Impactite | Vesicular Impact Glass | 1.42 Gr | Awesome Rare | Henbury N.T. Australia
$7.00 CAD
Unit price perHenbury Impactite | Vesicular Impact Glass | 1.42 Gr | Awesome Rare | Henbury N.T. Australia
$7.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is an outstanding Impact Melt Glass specimen or bomb weighing 1.42 grams. Its dimensions are 18x15x11 mm. Although not a meteorite, impactites are directly linked to them and their impacts.
This Henbury glass, or more specifically vesicular impactite, was found in the Northern Territory of Australia. Thirteen craters were found 8 miles southwest of the town of Henbury, the largest of which was 720 x 360 feet. Henbury impactite was formed by a meteorite impact that occurred around 4,700 years ago. The meteorite is believed to have exploded upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, creating multiple craters which produced the impact glass.
Impactite is a slag-like glassy object found on the surface of the earth, formed from rock melted by the impact of a meteorite. The term encompasses shock-metamorphosed target rocks, melts or suevites and mixtures of the two, as well as sedimentary rocks with significant impact-derived components and shocked mineral grains, tektites, anomalous geochemical signatures, etc.
This piece displays extremely well. It is amazingly light considering its mass. It has a unique hollow sound when you tap it. This Australian find is very well shaped and preserved. These pieces are becoming more difficult to acquire so this is a good time to get a fine specimen. Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Will come with a Canagem specimen card.

Vaca Muerta Meteorite | 2.73 Grams | Individual | Mesosiderite A1 | Chile
$32.00 CAD
Unit price perVaca Muerta Meteorite | 2.73 Grams | Individual | Mesosiderite A1 | Chile
$32.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is a superb looking Stony-iron or Mesosiderite Vaca Muerta (Dead Cow) classified meteorite weighing 2.73 grams. Its dimensions are 12x11x8 mm.
This classified meteorite was found in 1861 in the driest desert of the world called the Atacama, in Chile. Mesosiderites are formed on the surface of a parent body as a result of impacts with another body. The impact mixed broken fragments of surface eucrites with iron and olivine from deep within the body. Eucrites are believed to have come from the asteroid Vesta. Analysis has shown, however, that the Vaca Muerta eucrite inclusions are not consistent with other eucrites and possibly originated on a different parent body. Although most have a weathered exterior, they also have lots of metal inside and can be prepared and cut to show this.
This piece displays extremely well and would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.

Nantan Meteorite | 20.9 grams | Individual Fragment | IAB-MG Iron | Guangxi China
$55.00 CAD
Unit price perNantan Meteorite | 20.9 grams | Individual Fragment | IAB-MG Iron | Guangxi China
$55.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is a superb Nantan meteorite individual specimen, directly from Guangxi, China. Its dimensions are 35x23x16 mm and it weighs 20.9 grams.
The Nantan meteorites are a must for all collectors, more so that it is now very difficult to find worthy specimen. They are a very interesting IAB-MG iron discovered in 1958 and there is an estimated 9.5 T of this material. This is 1 of 88 approved meteorites classified as Iron, IAB-MG.
Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.
This is a must have 17.8 gram Impactite from Norrbo, Sweden. Although not a meteorite, impactites are directly linked to them and their impacts and are probably going to be one of the rarest collection items you'll ever own. Impactite is a slag-like glassy object found on the surface of the earth, formed from rock melted by the impact of a meteorite.
The term impactite encompasses shock-metamorphosed target rocks, melts or suevites and mixtures of the two, as well as sedimentary rocks with significant impact-derived components and shocked mineral grains, tektites, anomalous geochemical signatures, etc. This impactite was formed approx. 89 million years ago when a meteorite crashed into the earth.
This gorgeous slice displays very well. It is amazingly light considering its mass of 42x38x9mm. Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.
This is a beautiful black Biotite crystal book from the Calcite Vein-Dikes of the Grenville Geological Province Ontario, Canada. This biotite has classic crystal shape and attractive dark black coloration. This specimen is a great example of both.
Biotite is rarely considered a valuable mineral specimen, but it can accompany other minerals and compliment them. In Bancroft, Ontario Biotite forms large crystals with green apatite and hornblende. Single large plates or "books" of biotite can grow to considerable size and can make impressive mineral specimens.
Name: Biotite Mica
Specimen Size: Large Cabinet-Sized
Dimensions: 105x72x5 mm / 4.2x2.8x0.2 inches
Weight: 48.8 Grams / 1.7 Ounces
Origin: Ontario, Canada
Here we have for you a great looking end cut of a Sahara Desert NWA unclassified meteorite weighing 6.1 grams. Its dimensions are 21x14x12 mm. This never classified North West Africa stone was found in Erfoud, Morocco in the Sahara desert in 2002.
It's a very good quality cut NWA meteorite specimen showing incredibly interesting internal structure (L5?) and somewhat attractive with a mottled interior with chondrules and metallic flakes. This complete cut has very large iron inclusions, many chondrules and a nice black fusion crust. Little weathering shows the meteorite's short time spent aging in the desert preserving a nice crusted look. Displays very nicely with a clean cut and polished finish.
Would be a great addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.

Rare Red Olivine Volcanic Bomb | Lava Coated Crystal | 77.8 gr | Mt Shadwell Volcano, Australia
$49.00 CAD
Unit price perRare Red Olivine Volcanic Bomb | Lava Coated Crystal | 77.8 gr | Mt Shadwell Volcano, Australia
$49.00 CAD
Unit price perAn olivine volcanic bomb is a type of volcanic rock that contains olivine crystals and has been ejected during a volcanic eruption. Olivine is a mineral that is commonly found in the Earth's mantle and is one of the first minerals to crystallize as magma cools.
Volcanic bombs are large clots of lava that are ejected from a volcano during an explosive eruption. They can vary in size, and their shapes are often streamlined due to their molten nature as they are thrown through the air. When these volcanic bombs contain olivine crystals, they are referred to as olivine volcanic bombs.
The crystal slice has been finished on both sides showing the red olivine crystals, it also a raw edge which showcases the internal beauty of the piece.
Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.
Name: Red Olivine Crystal Bomb
Specimen Size: Cabinet-Sized
Dimensions: 98x64x55 mm / 3.8x2.5x2.2 Inches
Weight: 452 Grams / 15.9 Ounces
Details: Volcanic activity Mortlake, Victoria, Australia
Product Type: Sapphire
Approx Weight (per piece): 0.12ct
Size: 2.5mm
Shape: Square Cut
Color: Cornflower Blue
Clarity: Clean to the Eye
Origin: Africa

Shatter Cone Impactite | 31.57 grams | Rochechouart Impact Structure | Montoume, France
$81.00 CAD
Unit price perShatter Cone Impactite | 31.57 grams | Rochechouart Impact Structure | Montoume, France
$81.00 CAD
Unit price perThis is a fantastic shatter cone from Montoume France weighing 31.57 grams and measuring 42x33x21 mm. Although not a meteorite, impactites and shatter cones are directly linked to them and their impacts. Shatter cones are evidence that the rock has been subjected to an extreme shock with very brief high pressures. This particular specimen from Montoume is classified as subvolcanic dike rock.
Shatter cones are rare geological features that are only known to form in the bedrock beneath large meteorite impact craters. They have a distinctively conical shape with thin grooves (striae) that radiate from the top (apex) of the cone. Shatter cones can range in length from 1 centimeter to several meters. The azimuths of the cones's axes typically radiate outwards from the point of impact, with the cones pointing towards the center of the impact crater.
This impactite was formed 186 million years ago. This piece displays very well and is a very nice size showing multiple characteristics of its origin. Would make a beautiful addition to any collection. Comes with a Canagem Collection specimen card.
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