Apophyllite and Prehnite Cluster | 131 grams | Jalgaon, India | SO24

Name: Apophyllite and Prehnite Cluster Crystal

Specimen Size:  Cabinet-Sized

Dimensions: 67x58x33 mm / 2.6x2.3x1.3 inches

Weight: 131 Grams / 4.6 Ounces

Origin: Mined in Jalgaon, India

Prehnite can form prismatic, tabular, or pyramidal crystals, but usually occurs in botryoidal, reniform, stalactitic, granular, or compact habits.  It is usually green in colour, but may be white, colourless, yellow, or gray.  It has a colourless streak.  Prehnite is transparent to translucent, with a vitreous to pearly luster.  Prehnite forms in cavities in basaltic lavas.

Apophyllite is more often then not the star attraction and very popular among collectors for its fantastic crystals with their gem-like vitreous to pearly luster. Apophyllite almost always forms good crystals of two major types. The favorite crystal habit is the rectangular prism capped by a steep four sided pyramid. A doubly terminated crystal is exceptionally special. The faces of the pyramids are rotated 45 degrees with respect to the prism faces and so plunge down into the prism edges. This produces a diamond-shaped pyramidal face instead of a typical triangular pyramid face. The shape is an extraordinary example of tetragonal crystal form. Although normally colorless or white, colored examples of apophyllite are always treasured. Some crystals of apophyllite are cut as gems, but are mostly just for the collectors. Would be a beautiful addition to any new or existing collection.

Apophyllite is said to promote introspection into one's own behavior and the correction of imbalances or flaws that are perceived. This is a stone of truth, bringing recognition of one's true self and allowing that to be shown to the world. Apophyllite is said to have a calming effect, and to effectively reduce stress, releasing mental blockages and negative thought patterns. Apophyllite is also said to release suppressed emotion, to overcome anxiety, worries and fears. It calms apprehensions and allows uncertainty to be tolerated.

Prehnite is said to be a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. Placing it in the garden is believed to help make a home into a healing sanctuary and teach one how to be in harmony with nature. A good Fung Shui stone, prehnite is said to be helpful for decluttering, helping one let go of possessions no longer needed.


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